A Little About How & Why I started ARCS Around The World

Orange Logo is for Animal Organizations with overpopulation issues and content

Orange Logo is for Animal Organizations with overpopulation issues and content

Green Logo is for Animal Organizations with conservation population issues and content.

Green Logo is for Animal Organizations with conservation population issues and content.

I have adopted 3 dogs, saved a 4 week old kitten in a bush next to a freeway, & volunteered for years at multiple animal rescues (horses, cats, & dogs), but scooping poop for a few animals isn't the best use of my skills. That's why I came up with the idea of creating a website with interactive global maps & an ARCS Membership Club for any animal rescue, charity, and sanctuary who wants to be a member of a huge like-minded supportive & promotional community.

I am a creative research obsessed mom of four who has spent my life in Multimedia, Visual Communications, Broadcasting, & Public Affairs.  Now that I am officially retired I have time to create a life goal for myself: Change The World! 

Without giving away my age (whoops, I probably already have) I have 30 years of experience. My superpower of obsessive "learning" is a bit compulsive so I have too many BFA degrees (to the point of embarrassment) and a MBA in Marketing. Honestly, I even got a technical degree in Fire Technology because I was shooting & producing for a Fire Department. Thank goodness I wasn't the one who was shooting the surgeons doing open heart surgery or I'd be a Dr. right now!

I picked the acronym 'ARCS' for Animal Rescues, Charities, & Sanctuaries and the phrase 'Around The World' because I know the more we come together as a community the greater our goals and global impact can be. So the name 'ARCS Around The World' was born.  

ARCS is supporting & promoting both animal organizations that deal with over population  issues & animal organizations that serve the conversation issues. ARCS is here to be a resource for both types of animal welfare organizations with promotions, training, & support.

We created 2 colors for our logo to make it easy to visually show adoption content (orange logo) and conservation content (green logo). Our Orange logo will signify animal organizations that have adoptable animals and content that deals with their issues and our Green logo will signify animal organizations that deal with animal conservation topic & issues for them. This will be a clear visual queue to help people find the content that they are looking for quickly.

ARCS is taking my skills in Marketing & Broadcasting and my superpower of obsessive learning and creating a peer-community for Animal Rescues, Charities, & Sanctuaries.  ARCS has also created a massively useful tool with the interactive ARCS Global Maps that everyone can use. These 4 maps (Horses, Dogs, Cats, & Animals) can help anyone find "ARCS Around The World" members. 

The ARCS plan is to create promotion & social sharing for each ARCS member with my (never been done before) website & interactive maps. Also ARCS will post free courses for members that create massive growth in their content, marketing, & digital strategy skill-sets. The bottom line for ARCS Members is massive growth in donations, volunteers, and adoptions & even better operating practices.

The ARCS desire is to bring about a local, national, and global change in animal welfare for the better :-). The best way to do this is to help ARCS (Animal Rescues, Charities, & Sanctuaries) find each other, share their best practices, and tackle their biggest challenges.

The purpose of the ARCS memberships here at ARCS Around The World are coming together to build a perfect community of support and training that is developed by the members, for the members. ARCS will create  videos for 'best practices' training & videos for promoting members based on information we share with each other.  

We can become an incredible resource for each other by having members with years of experience helping guide and support less experienced organizations overcome challenges with their wisdom and skills that make us all better at accomplishing our missions and our goals.

I will be updating the website and social media soon so check back here soon and often if you enjoy quirky obsessed people making the world a better place and want to see our progress or leave us a message. 

I hope you enjoy learning about all of these incredible animal organizations & share your love and support! 



Founder & Chief Marketing Magician

If you or your organization would like to become a member of ARCS Around The world leave a message here.  Click to follow us on Social Media.